
JAKARTA - The actual progress of the construction of the Cirebon-Semarang (Cisem) Phase I (Semarang-Batang Section) natural gas transmission pipeline project based on data as of May 25, 2023 has reached 91.35 percent.

This figure exceeds the initial plan target, where the target as of June 2023 is 90.65 percent. This was conveyed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif when reviewing the construction project for the Cisem Phase I Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline (Ruas Semarang-Batang) in the Batang Integrated Industrial Zone, Central Java, Wednesday, June 7.

During his visit, Arifin revealed that of the total Cisem Phase I pipe length of 60,598 m, the pipe length that had been built reached 58,711 m.

"The progress of the construction of the gas pipeline from Semarang to this location (Batang) is only 1.8 km away, there are still two points that are not connected because they must be drilled under the foundation and under the road, it will be completed by the end of this month," he said.

Arifin ensured that the completion of the construction of the Phase I Cisem gas pipeline would be in accordance with the plan and August the system was ready to receive gas, where the need for gas for industry would begin in November or December 2023.

"So the situation is safe and all development progress goes smoothly, later what will use (gas) first is PT. Rumah Keramik Indonesia, while those for PT. KCC Glass will be completed in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2024," explained Arifin.

Furthermore, Arifin said that the Cisem Phase I gas pipeline project had no significant obstacles. He gave his appreciation to the Provincial Government, Regional Government and all companies involved in the Cisem Phase I gas pipeline construction project.

However, there is one thing that concerns Arifin and must be resolved immediately, namely the agreement to buy and sell gas between the seller and the gas user.

"We will complete the sale and purchase agreement within the next 1 to 2 months," he said.

To note, the Cisem Gas Pipeline Phase I project was built from funds originating from the State Budget with the Multi Years Contract (MYC) scheme with a value of IDR 1.1 trillion. Cisem Gas Pipes will be streamlined by natural gas originating from the Jambaran Tiung Biru Field, Blora Working Area (WK); Long Term Plan (LTP) WK Cepu (Cendana - Alas Tua field); and WK Tuban (Sur-2 field).

The potential utilization of Cisem Gas Pipes includes the Kendal Special Economic Zone (KEK), with a projected gas requirement of up to 2026 of 39.42 MMSCFD and Batang Integrated Industrial Zone (KITB), with a projected gas requirement of 25.83 MMSCFD.

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