
JAKARTA The Ministry of Finance's Customs and Excise (Kemenkeu) reported that as of April 2023 238 narcotics, psychotropic and precursor (NPP) had been prosecuted from international networks in Indonesian territory.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that this amount was equivalent to 2.15 tons of evidence that had been confiscated by law enforcement officials.

"Indonesia is now a destination for narcotics and psychotropics because judging from the frequency of prosecution, it has increased from year to year," he told the media crew recently.

The Minister of Finance explained that the amount of illicit goods that were confiscated by the government continued to increase during the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. He detailed that in 2020 evidence had been confiscated by 3.24 tons from 820 prosecutions.

Then in 2021, 4.57 tons of 1,372 prosecutions and in the 2022 period 6.01 tons of evidence were confiscated with 935 prosecutions.

"Current Customs and Excise must increase vigilance. This is because Indonesia has become a place for sending dangerous objects such as narcotics and psychotropics and marijuana," he said.

On this occasion, the state treasurer also said that the Customs and Excise ranks managed to carry out 5,922 illegal cigarette prosecutions with a total of Rp275.6 billion.

The largest enforcement value is carried out on tobacco products (illegal tobacco / cigarettes). This action can have an impact on saving humans and saving state budgets for rehabilitation," said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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