
PT PLN (Persero) operates the Kanzy MiniHydro Power Plant (PLTM) located in Pasuruan. Through the operation of this green power plant, PLN has added a series of New Renewable Energy (EBT) plants to 16 of the total 32 plants in East Java.

PLN continues to support efforts to reduce carbon emissions, one of which is by boosting the construction of new renewable energy-based power plants. The operation of this Kanzy PLTM will supply more than 10,000 electricity to more customers with a power capacity of 2 x 1.25 Megawatt (MW)," said PLN President Director, Darmawan Prasodjo, Wednesday, May 17.

Meanwhile, General Manager of PLN East Java Distribution Main Unit, Lasiran said that currently electricity in East Java is supported from various EBT generators, including PLTM and will increase again in the future.

"Currently, the East Java electricity system is supplied by 5 self-managed PLTMs and those from Independent Power Producers (IPP), including PLTM Lodagung with a capacity of 2 x 0.65 MW, PLTM Taman Asri 1.17 MW, PLTM Ampel Gading 2 x 5 MW, PLTM Sampean Baru 1.85 MW, and the new Commissioner Operation Date (COD) there is this Kanzy PLTM," said Lasiran.

Lasiran explained that the East Java region has the potential for abundant water flow that can be used as a PLTM. For this reason, PLTM is the main choice in supporting the electricity needs of the community.

He said, to increase the mix of renewable energy, this year PLN is currently in the construction process of PLTM Sumber Arum 2 with a capacity of 3 MW and PLTM Bayu with a capacity of 3.6 MW in Banyuwangi.

"PLN also conducts a study on the potential for EBT development in East Java. EBT development is designed while still considering supply and demand, local renewable energy potential, economy, reliability, resilience and sustainability of the national energy system," said Lasiran.

Lasiran also added that the potential for EBT development in East Java is 779.9 MW starting from the Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) in the areas of Mount Wilis, Arjuno, Pandan Argopuro, Krucil, then the Bayu Power Plant (PLTB) in Banyuwangi, Probolinggo, Tuban, PLTS in the islands, as well as PLTS and PLTB (hybrid) in Tuban.

"We will continue to try to take advantage of the potential for new renewable energy sources to support the community's need for electricity," he concluded.

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