
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the allocation of spending for the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) for the construction and maintenance of national roads in Lampung Province in 2023 was IDR 588.7 billion. "From this total, IDR 81.6 billion has been realized until May 2, 2023," Sri Mulyani wrote on the official Instagram account @smindrawati, quoted in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, May 7. In 2022, the realization of spending on the Ministry of PUPR for national roads in the province will reach Rp508.1 billion. The overall national road segment in Lampung Province reached 1,289.1 kilometers (km). In addition to spending on ministries/agencies (k/l), the Minister of Finance said that the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) also allocated transfers of funds from the center to the regional government (local government) for road construction (Special Allocation Fund/Physical DAK) in 2023 for Provinces/Regencies/Cities throughout Lampung reaching Rp402.44 billion for 231.9 km of roads. For Lampung Province alone, the allocation of physical DAK in the road sector reached Rp52.45 billion for three roads, namely Belimbingsari-Jabung (4.17 km) amounting to Rp16.98 billion, Liwa-BTS Sumsel (4.8km) amounting to Rp13.33 billion, and SP Sidomulyo-Belimbingsari (4 km) amounting to Rp20.13 billion. In the construction of the Sumatra toll road that crosses Lampung Province, the State Budget also allocates state capital participation (PMN) and government guarantees to PT Hutama Karya for two sections. First, the Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar Toll Road (140 km) with PMN support of IDR 2.2 trillion and government guarantees of IDR 22.09 trillion. Second, the Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung section (189 km) with the support of PMN Rp4 trillion and government guarantees Rp14.37 trillion. Sri Mulyani continued, there was also funding for toll road land acquisition by the Public Service Agency of the State Asset Management Institute (BLU LMAN) for the Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar toll road of IDR 3.75 trillion and the Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang section of IDR 1.86 trillion. Meanwhile, from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), there is a Provincial/Regency/City APBD Road Implementation Program in all Lampung reaching IDR 2.16 trillion, where specifically for Lampung Province it is worth IDR 886.8 billion. This road implementation program consists of capital expenditures, grant expenditures, and goods or services expenditures. "Infrastructure development is a national priority agenda this year. Taxes paid by the people are used to create equitable development in all regions of the archipelago," he said.

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