
JAKARTA - Eid al-Fitr 1444 H is just counting the days. In general, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said, there are three key factors that affect the smooth running of the 2023 Eid Homecoming, namely the availability of infrastructure, regulatory support, and community behavior to comply with applicable regulations.

Basuki said that the availability and readiness of homecoming infrastructure, such as roads, airports, rail roads and ferry ports/dermagas are basic things that determine the smooth running of going home.

Second, regarding the regulation and management of homecoming flows prepared by the government and homecoming operators for the community. Third, namely the behavior factor of the users of the homecoming infrastructure which concerns the planning and preparation of homecoming, as well as the behavior of motorists during the homecoming.

"The main indicators for the success of transportation infrastructure are safety, business facilities and cheaters, and all of that can be achieved at least by preparing national roads, 70 operational toll roads, and 11 functional toll roads on the island of Java and four toll roads on the island of Sumatra," Basuki said in his official statement, Monday, April 17.

"In addition, expanding and adding various rest area services on toll roads, repairing national roads, widening/accreting toll road lanes," he added.

The Minister of PUPR hopes that, with the support of better infrastructure, this year's homecoming can be carried out as expressed by Mr. President Jokowi, namely a safe, comfortable, and positive impression homecoming.

Furthermore, said Basuki, the second factor relates to the regulation and management of the Lebaran Homecoming, such as joint leave policies, toll/airline tariff discounts, as well as traffic management by the police through the implementation of one way, contra flow, odd-even, to restrictions on logistics transportation by trucks/containers during the Eid homecoming period.

"For example, for the Cisumdawu functional toll road (Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan), traffic management is implemented by the Traffic Corps, in the form of setting the opening and closing hours of the toll road only at the bright moment," he said.

Finally, continued Basuki, the third factor related to community readiness and behavior in traveling back and forth.

"For this reason, travelers must be orderly and disciplined to obey the applicable rules and follow the instructions of officers in the field, so that homecoming trips can be safer and more comfortable," he concluded.

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