
JAKARTA - It's no secret that investment or investment is one way to increase passive income that is currently popular. Easy accessing information related to investment, makes many young people interested in stunting it. Do you want to start investing? Come on, identify all investments through the following reviews!

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, investment is the investment of money or capital in a company or project for the purpose of profit. Broadly speaking, this is an activity of placing capital in the form of money or other valuable assets into a party or institution in the hope that investors will benefit in the future within a certain period of time. An ordinary investors are also called investors.

The term investment itself comes from the Italian language, which means 'use' or use. In this case, the capital or assets invested by investors will later be used by parties or institutions that manage to develop their business. The profits obtained from these development results will then be distributed to investors according to the agreement between the two parties.

Speaking of profit sharing, it should be understood that investment does not always lead to profit. Something purchased by investors will experience changes in value after passing a certain period. This change in value can be a profitable or detrimental thing. Thus, any investment of capital certainly has a risk of loss. To minimize the occurrence of losses, an investor should understand the various types of investment and risk analysis.

The purpose of briefly investing is indeed to gain profits. However, if traced more deeply, investors actually invest in various purposes. For example, individual investment is generally carried out with the aim of raising funds for the future. This activity is simple to obtain better quality of life in the future, either for children's education or as a legacy.

In addition to investing in individual capital, pension investment is one of the most common types of activities. This investment aims to obtain a number of funds to be used to support life in retirement or old age. Just like individual investment, pension investment is also carried out as a form of effort to gain a prosperous life in the future.

Not only individuals, but investment can also be done by foreigners in a country. Foreign investment is generally carried out in a developing country with the aim of improving people's welfare in the country. Of course, this will be beneficial for the community, because it is able to encourage industrial development, development, technology development, and even provide jobs.

Not only about money or savings, there are several other forms or products in investment. These products can be in the form of gold, property, deposits, and collection items. In addition, investment can also be in the form of ownership instruments that can be transferred in the form of securities, proof of debt, stocks or bonds, interest, as well as participation in collective agreements or mutual funds.

When grouped, investment products are divided into two forms, namely real assets and financial assets. Real assets are investment in visible or invisible forms, such as land, property, gold, and collectibles. Meanwhile, financial assets are investment in the form of securities, such as stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and deposits.

In addition to definition, potential investors also need to understand the types of investment. This understanding aims to provide views and options for various investments that can be used as options. Based on supervision or control of the company, investment is grouped into direct and indirect.

1. Live Investment

Direct investment is long-term investment in a business with supervision and active management by investors or investors. Some of the things that characterize in this type are investors holding a dominant role, for example in company management and actively managing the company.

This activity is generally carried out in the productive business sector with the form of investment in tangible objects and in accordance with local regional law. In short, investors own companies, especially in the form of physical assets such as buildings, machinery, and other physical assets that are long-term.

2. Indirect investment

Another type of investment, according to the company's control, is indirect investment. This activity is also called portfolio investment, which is short-term investment by purchasing securities. Please note, that in this case the investors or investors are not directly involved in managing the company.

This indirect investment occurs through the purchase of securities owned by a company. The buying and selling activities are generally carried out by investment companies as intermediaries between companies and investors. In this case, capital investors will benefit in the form of capital gains for the sale and purchase of portfolios mediated by investment companies.

Apart from being divided based on supervision or control, investment is also grouped based on the timeframe. When viewed from the timeframe, investment is divided into two, namely the long term and the short term.

3. Long-Term Investment

As the name suggests, long-term investment is the type of investment that takes a long time to obtain returns or profits. This investment requires continuous use and development of power. After entering the maturity period, then profits can be disbursed. Some examples of products or forms that are included in long-term investment, including mutual funds, stocks, and bonds.

4. Short-Term Investment

In contrast to long-term investment that profits in a relatively long period of time, short-term investment generally has a shorter period of time. This type of investment can be done by depositing a certain amount of funds in an institution or agency to be managed in a short period of time. Thus, profits can also be disbursed over a short period of time.

Short-term investment is a type of investment that is liked and recommended for beginners, because it is considered to have a lower risk. This type generally has a period of one year. Various forms of products include mutual funds, deposits, and state debt securities.

For those interested in investing, there are several processes that need to be carried out before doing so. First, of course, investors need to determine the purpose of investing and determine how much funds will be invested. Thus, investors are able to estimate the availability of funds as well as the expected rate of return of funds. Furthermore, investors can carry out securities analysis or securities with a fundamental or technical approach.

Identification of each of the securities of a set of investments or portfolios to consider which one has the potential to add the funds. The composition of the already formed portfolio can be evaluated taking into account the objectives, to then carry out performance revisions. Portfolio performance evaluation can be performed through expected profit calculations and risk levels.

Well, here's a review of all the investment that beginners need to know. Make sure to understand it thoroughly before trying it!

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