
JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said, he would continue to strengthen synergy and collaboration with ministries/agencies in the single licensing acceleration program through an electronically integrated Business Licensing system, which includes Business Licensing (T Business Identification Number/NIB), Indonesian National Standards (SNI), and Halal Product Guarantee Certification.

"This is in accordance with the mandate of the Job Creation Law, which includes the transformation from informal to formal synergy, one of which is through acceleration," said Teten in a written statement, Wednesday, April 12.

Regarding Halal Certification, Teten said, the government is targeting Indonesia as the center of the halal industry in 2024 as well as the world's fashion industry. "This potential must be optimized, not only as the main market target, but also the center of world halal producers," he said.

He added that currently his party continues to fully support the program of a million halal certifications for the UMK (Micro and Small Enterprises). For this reason, his party together with BPJPH (Halal Product Guarantee Agency) continues to synergize in an effort to increase the production capacity of halal food and beverages, until the issuance of halal certification.

Meanwhile, regarding the legality of business through the issuance of NIB, Teten said, the government targets the issuance of 100 thousand NIB per day permits must be issued.

"Data on the OSS system as of April 4, 2023, has been issued NIB 3,731,047 or 5.8 percent of the total MSME actors. It is necessary to accelerate the formal transformation of micro-enterprises to improve the current economic structure. We are targeting a minimum of 10 million NIB to be published this year," he said.

Menteri Teten melihat banyak potensi capaian target bersama yang dapat diwujudkan setelah isir NIB, seperti potensi target 7,1 juta debitur KUR, yang bisa mendorong dengan NIB karena memungkinkan UMKM semakin mudah mengakses KUR.

There is also the potential for empowerment of 12.7 million PNM Mekaar Indonesia customers, which has a Mekaar Unit and the number of customers, as well as a large number of customer assistants, so that it can be mobilized through the issuance of NIB.

KemenkopUKM has also collected data through the KUMKM SIDT (System Information Data Tunggal), of which around 8.7 million business actors do not yet have NIB and this is the target of internal companions, namely the Garda Transfumi, PK2UMK, and PLUT KUMKM companions.

In addition, there is a potential 4.3 million marketplace merchants, as well as an active role from 249 units of BUMN Houses in assisting the issuance of NIB.

"To achieve the potential of the 10 million targets, it is necessary to prepare the system in accommodating the number of registrant UMKs. In addition, it is necessary to massively transform the Formal Micro Business Movement through synergy and multi-party collaboration to facilitate assistance," said the Coordinating Minister.

Meanwhile, regarding SNI Bina UMK, the government provides various conveniences for micro and small businesses, one of which is the ease of business license and the right to use the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) Bina UMK for low-risk UMK products.

Based on data owned by BSN, since the operation of OSS/Single Licensing System for UMK players, until February 1, 2023, it was recorded that around 62.505 or about 0.09 percent of micro and small business actors had the right to use the SNI Bina UMK sign for free.

"In addition to massive socialization and assistance, it is also necessary to role model MSMEs for the implementation of SNI-Bina UMK at least 30 percent of what has been issued by NIB can use the SNI Bina UMK registration sign," concluded Teten.

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