
JAKARTA Alleged Money Laundering (TPPU) which is currently facing the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) with a value of Rp. 349 trillion continues to be in the public spotlight.

How not, the Ministry of Finance is considered to have a very strategic role in supporting state administration in terms of funding.

Due to this situation, the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) seeks to provide explanations to the public regarding suspicious financial transactions. Through the official Instagram page, the government agency led by Ivan Yustiavandana spread important information.

"Suspicious financial transactions are transactions that deviate from the profile, characteristics, or transaction patterns habits of the service users concerned," said the PPATK's official account with a blue tick verified, quoted Wednesday, April 12.

It was stated that by service users who should be suspected of being carried out with the aim of avoiding reporting transactions in question that must be carried out by the reporting party. Such include service providers, finances, providers of goods and services, as well as professions.

"For this reason, PPATK was asked to be reported by the reporting party because it involved assets suspected of originating from the proceeds of a criminal act," wrote PPATK.

Meanwhile, the provisions of suspicious financial transactions must refer to Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.

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