
JAKARTA - Acting Director General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order (PKTN) of the Ministry of Trade, Moga Simatupang, said that the government had destroyed 14,717 bales of imported used clothes worth Rp118 billion throughout 2023.

"So the total is from the operation from the beginning of the year to March," Moga said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 6.

Moga detailed that the first destruction was carried out by the Ministry of Trade in Pekanbaru, Riau on March 17 with the total number of used clothes reaching 730 bal worth IDR 10 billion.

Then it continued to Sidoarjo East Java on March 20 with a total of 824 bal worth IDR 11 billion.

Then, the biggest record was the destruction of 7,363 used bales with a value of Rp80 billion which was carried out in Cikarang at the end of March. Meanwhile, the last destruction was carried out in Batam with 5,800 bales of used clothes worth Rp17 billion.

Moga further said that the importers of illegal used clothes could be charged by multiple articles. A number of rules that can be imposed are Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade.

"The threat of imprisonment is a maximum of 5 years and a maximum fine of IDR 5 billion. It is in articles 111 and 112," he also said.

Not only does it apply to importers, sellers can also be charged with Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. Article 62 states that business actors who trade used goods can be sentenced to a maximum of 5 years or a fine of IDR 2 billion.

In addition, there is a special regulation for sellers of used imported clothing that sells their merchandise online or through electronic channels.

Article 35 in Government Regulation Number 80 of 2019 concerning Trade through Electronic Systems is ready to ensnare business actors who do not comply with electronic advertisements in accordance with applicable laws.

Similarly, in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 50 of 2020 article 18 it states that business actors who make, provide facilities, and/or disseminate electronic advertisements are required to ensure that the substance or electronic advertising material submitted does not conflict with the provisions of the legislation and is responsible for the substance or material of electronic advertising.

The sanctions that will be given by the 50/2020 Drivers will be gradual, starting from written warnings, inclusion of priority lists to revocation of business licenses.

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