
PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) reported that there were 44 companies queuing up or in the pipeline for initial listing of shares (IPO) as of March 31, 2023, which were dominated by the non-primary consumer goods sector or consumer cyclicals.

"Until now, there are 44 companies in the IDX share listing pipeline," said IDX Director of Corporate Assessment I Gede Nyoman Yetna to media crews in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, April 4.

Based on the sector, he detailed 11 companies from the non-primary consumer goods sector (consumer cycleals), six companies from the raw goods sector, six companies from the technology sector, and four companies from the primary consumer goods sector.

Then, four companies from the property sector, four companies from the transportation & logistics sector, three companies from the financial sector, three companies from the industrial sector, two companies from the energy sector, and one company from the infrastructure sector.

Referring to POJK Number 53/POJK.04/2017, there are 14 companies with large-scale assets above IDR 250 billion, 26 companies with medium-scale assets between IDR 50 billion to IDR 250 billion, the remaining four companies with small-scale assets below IDR 50 billion.

Until the same period, his party revealed that there had been 28 companies that recorded an initial share (IPO) on the IDX during 2023, with funds raised reaching IDR 12.5 trillion.

Furthermore, Nyoman also said that there were 14 listed companies that had issued a right issue with a total value of Rp. 14.2 trillion as of March 31, 2023.

Then, there are still 24 listed companies queuing or in the IDX's pipeline rights issue until that period.

Of the 24 companies, he explained eight companies from the financial sector, six companies from the non-primary consumer goods sector, four companies from the primary consumer goods sector, and three companies from the energy sector.

In addition, there is one company each from the raw goods, technology, and transportation & logistics sectors.

Previously, the Chief Executive of the Capital Market Supervisory of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Inarno Djajadi said that the JCI's performance fell 0.66 percent year to date (ytd) until March 31, 2023, but still recorded a non-resident investor inflow of IDR 6.62 trillion.

In addition, fund raising through the capital market reached IDR 54.24 trillion until March 31, 2023. "The trend of growth in the number of investors also continues with the number of capital market investors reaching 10.76 million investors as of March 30, 2023," said Inarno.

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