
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the Ministry of Finance have not yet reached an agreement regarding the Coal Compensation Fund levy and distribution scheme. One of the reasons for not agreeing on the imposition of Value Added Tax (VAT).

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif admitted that his party had discussed this with the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, but had not yet reached an agreement.

"It is still necessary, an agreement is needed," said Arifin quoting Antara, Monday, April 3.

Arifin explained that the coal fund levy and distribution scheme was carried out to compensate each other for mining companies.

The funds were collected from coal players who could not fulfill the domestic market obligation (DMO). Then this compensation fund is given to coal companies that meet the DMO.

This scheme aims to close the difference in domestic coal selling prices at international or market prices.

However, this compensation fund levy and distribution scheme is subject to VAT. In fact, according to Arifin, VAT has been imposed on buying and selling transactions.

"If the tug of war is not imposed (VAT), it should compensate for what carries the DMO. Now that compensation is withdrawn, then distributed to those who meet (DMO). He should have been taxed first," said Arifin.

The coal levy scheme will initially be collected by the Public Service Agency (BLU). However, BLU was replaced with Government Agencies Partners (MIP) because the compensation funds were not related to Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP).

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