
JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) and a consortium led by ExxonMobil Indonesia signed a cooperation agreement to carry out exploration activities in Indonesia's open area worth IDR 630 billion.

Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said the exploration program in this open area was a diversion from the exact work commitment of Gunting Work Area (WK) and Surumana WK.

"This agreement is part of SKK Migas' commitment to attract investment and find new oil and gas reserves to support the production achievements of 1 million BOPD (oil barrel per day) and 12 BSCFD (billion standard cubic feet per day) gas by 2030," he told the media, Friday, March 31.

Dwi also welcomed the signing of this agreement, he said that this agreement shows the high trust of ExxonMobil Indonesia as one of the world-class oil and gas companies in Indonesia's oil and gas potential.

"With ExxonMobil's experience as a leading company in the upstream oil and gas sector, we believe this exploration activity will provide positive results for both parties and contribute to the development of Indonesia's oil and gas resources," said Dwi.

Dwi added that exploration activities will be carried out with high standards of safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility. This is important to ensure that exploration activities do not damage the environment and disrupt the lives of the surrounding community.

"The areas that will be explored are Onshore Papua, East Java, Offshore Sumatra, and others," he explained.

"In addition, this activity will also involve the use of advanced technology and techniques to find new sources of oil and gas reserves. We also hope that exploration activities will create new jobs and produce economic growth, this will help improve the standard of living of the community, especially around the area of operation," said Dwi.

Dwi also believes that this exploration activity will contribute to the growth and development of sustainable upstream oil and gas management for Indonesia. "On behalf of the management of SKK Migas, I would like to express my appreciation to all parties, the ExxonMobil Indonesia and Petronas consortium, especially the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources who has provided support for the signing of this agreement," continued Dwi.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif said on the same occasion that his party is optimistic that exploration activities in open areas will help produce additional oil and gas data that can support the preparation of the Oil and Gas Working Area.

"The Indonesian government remains committed to supporting the development of upstream oil and gas activities in the country, by continuing to develop in the upstream oil and gas management system so that it can increase investor confidence in investing," said Arifin.

He hopes that the signing of this cooperation will encourage increased investment and have a positive impact on the upstream oil and gas investment climate in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, President ExxonMobil Indonesia, Carole Gall, appreciates the Government's efforts to increase investor confidence and ease of doing business.

"This agreement is an important milestone in Indonesia's upstream oil and gas industry and shows that Indonesia still has an attraction for investors," he concluded.

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