
The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to spur the competitiveness of the automotive industry in Indonesia, one of which is through the creation of competent human resources (HR) by organizing vocational education at the STMI Jakarta Polytechnic.

In order to achieve this target, the step that has been realized by the Ministry of Industry is to sign a collaboration between the STMI Jakarta Polytechnic and the Dharma Bhakti Astra Foundation (YDBA).

"The role of associations and industry in supporting vocational education is very much needed in the success of building superior industrial human resources. Therefore, BPSDMI is very happy with the signing of the collaboration between the Dharma Bhakti Astra Foundation and the Jakarta STMI Polytechnic," said the Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Industry. Gunawan in Jakarta, on Monday, March 27.

This collaboration is in the form of implementing regular or non-regular education (Equivalent to D1), placing pre-conducting students and industry lecturers, as well as developing curriculum.

"There is also research cooperation in the form of applied research conducted by lecturers and or students in accordance with the current problems faced by the industry," said Arus.

The Head of BPSDMI Arus hopes that this synergy can be developed with other work units within the BPSDMI environment, such as Vocational High School (SMK) or Industrial Education and Training Center (BDI). "Moreover, YDBA has around 12 thousand industries and fostered MSMEs, some of which are engaged in the automotive sector," he said.

As a first step, this collaborative activity begins by establishing a Community Service Program for the small industrial environment in Tegal.

There are a number of STMI Jakarta Polytechnic lecturers who have been assigned to observe problems faced by MSMEs related to increasing the competitiveness of automotive MSMEs.

This activity will involve five study programs, including Automotive Industry Engineering, Polymer Chemical Engineering, Automotive Industry Information System, Automotive Engineering Technology, and Automotive Business Administration.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the YDBA Management Sigit P. Kumala said this collaboration could improve the competence of MSMEs and support the independence of MSMEs. He also hopes that this collaboration can become a pilot project for the development of MSMEs involving universities.

"So that in the future there will be more universities in Indonesia that can support increasing the competence of MSMEs and delivering Indonesian MSMEs towards independence," he said.

For your information, YDBA has provided guidance to 12,313 MSMEs in the fields of manufacturing, workshops, crafts and culinary arts, as well as agriculture, until the end of 2022. YDBA has also indirectly created 72,465 jobs through facilitated MSMEs.

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