
JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (PLN) Riau Main Unit and Riau Islands recovered 1,714 substations that had previously been disrupted due to thunderstorms that hit five areas in Riau Province, at 17.00 WIB, Saturday, March 25.

General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Riau Main Unit and Riau Islands Agung Murdifi, in Pekanbaru said that his party deployed hundreds of officers with complete equipment to locations affected by the blackout in Pekanbaru City, Kampar Regency, Pelalawan Regency, Siak Regency and Rokan Hulu Regency as well as several surrounding areas to restore the electrical system.

"As of Saturday, March 25 at 23.00 WIB, 246,873 electricity lighting (100 percent) customers have turned on again. We are making these efforts in stages and still prioritizing the safety of residents and officers," said Agung.

Agung said PLN in the field was working with the Pekanbaru City Government, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the Fire Department (DAMKAR) and residents in restoring electricity networks in Pekanbaru and surrounding areas.

He explained that extreme weather caused many trees to fall and hit the power grid.

"Alhamdulillah, we have succeeded in normalizing electricity supply that was affected by extreme weather in Pekanbaru and several surrounding areas. Until now, our officers continue to monitor areas affected by extreme weather, PLN always strives to provide the best service to the community," said Agung again.

Agung also appealed to the public for participation if they found trees that were close to the electricity grid, fallen trees, kites that were caught in the network, tubers or banners that touched the network and other things that could cause electrical disturbances to immediately report to PLN.

"For customers who wish to submit complaints related to electrical disturbances, they can go through the PLN Mobile application, PLN officers will immediately follow up on the report," said Agung.

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