
JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (PLN) predicts a decrease in peak load during Nyepi celebrations in Bali. This is due to a decrease in the use of electricity by the community.

General Manager of PLN Bali's Main Distribution Unit (UID), I Wayan Udayana said the estimated peak load is based on electricity usage in 2022 and the average usage during March 2023.

"The current highest number of electricity consumption has reached 980 MW, but when Nyepi predicts we will drop to 578 MW, this is because when Nyepi, people reduce electricity use," he explained in a written statement to the media, Tuesday, March 21.

Udayana added that his party has also alerted 1,000 standby personnel spread across 52 posts in Bali to ensure Nyepi celebrations can run smoothly.

Especially for the Nusa Penida area, PLN carried out system mitigation by temporarily stopping the operation of the Diesel Power Plant (PLTD). This is done to provide comfort for Hindus when carrying out the Tapa Brata Penyepian activity.

"In Nusa Penida, when Nyepi is 22 March 2023, it will be extinguished from 8 am and until 23 March 2023 at 4 am it will turn on again," said Udayana.

He continued, this is in line with the agreement made together by the local village apparatus, namely the Camat, Kapolsek, Danramil, the Council of Traditional Villages and known by the Regent.

In addition, Udayana appealed to the public if they saw the potential for electrical disturbances, they could immediately report to PLN through the PLN Mobile application, Contact Center 123 or go directly to the nearest office so that it can be followed up immediately before Nyepi's activities take place.

"If there is a potential for disturbances in the environment around the community, it can be reported to PLN, so that it can be followed up before Nyepi, because the service for disturbances during Nyepi will be hampered and will be completed when Nyepi ends," added Udayana.

Finally, he appealed to the public, so that during the ogoh-ogoh narrative, please pay attention to the cables that will be crossed, in order to avoid things that can endanger the community.

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