
JAKARTA - Area Manager Communication, Relation & CSR of Pertamina Regional Sumbagsel, Tjahyo Nikho Indrawan said, since the implementation of the full cycle pogram subsidy right in Jambi, the daily consumption of Bio Solar fuel in the Jambi region has decreased by about 15 percent compared to the previous daily average.

"The implementation of the Complete Cycle for the Proper Subsidy Program for the purchase of Certain Types of Fuel (JBT) which has been piloted in the Jambi region since mid-February 2023 has received a positive response from the public," he told the media, Monday, March 20.

With this program, he continued, the distribution of subsidized fuel, especially diesel types, is more targeted.

As for Thursday, March 16, 2023, currently the number of registrants in Jambi is 104 thousand vehicles registered in the right subsidy program.

"We continue to remind the public that the registration of the Proper Subsidy Program is still ongoing. It is hoped that the public will immediately register the Subsidy Program Right through the subsidy website to be For people who have difficulty registering independently, we have prepared officers at gas stations to help the community," explained Nikho.

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