
JAKARTA The Financial Services Authority (OJK) today is said to have just inaugurated the OJK representative office in Riau Province located on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani No.83, Pekanbaru.

Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Mahendra Siregar at the inauguration ceremony said the presence of this facility is a form of strengthening the role and function of supervision in the regions.

"We are ready to maintain financial system stability, encourage economic growth and development in the regions and carry out consumer and community education and protection," he said in a written statement on Friday, March 17.

According to Mahendra, the OJK representative office in Riau also plays a strategic role in building synergies with the local government and in other stakeholders.

"We hope that the presence and benefits of the financial services industry can be felt as much as possible by all levels of society in Riau," he said.

On the same occasion, Riau Provincial Governor Syamsuar congratulated and supported the OJK to work more optimally.

"Representing the Riau Provincial government and all levels of Riau community, we congratulate the inauguration of the Riau Provincial office building. Hopefully, the synergy and collaboration that has been established with the OJK can continue to be maintained in order to maintain economic stability to improve people's welfare," he said.

For information, the working area of the Riau Province OJK has great economic development potential, in the fourth quarter of 2022, Riau's economy recorded a growth of 4.55 percent.

Meanwhile, the financial services industry (IJK) operating in Riau Province reaches hundreds, consisting of 33 conventional commercial banks, five Islamic commercial banks, 28 People's Credit Banks (BPR).

Then, three Sharia BPRs, 73 insurance companies, 68 finance companies, one pension fund, two venture capitals, one pawnshop, three guarantee companies, and two micro waqf banks.

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