
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo plans to adopt the tetrapod used on the coast of Bonang, Rembang to be used along the north coast (Pantura) of Central Java in reducing abrasion and tidal flooding.

The tetrapod made of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA) left over from the burning of coal from the Rembang PLTU is proven capable of breaking the sea waves.

"This tetrapod functions to protect the land from abrasion caused by sea waves. We hope that this tetrapod can help deal with flooding significantly and be beneficial to the wider community," said Ganjar in an official statement quoted on Thursday, March 16.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said PLN does not only operate power plants to produce electricity. PLN manages the remaining coal burning of Steam Power Plants (PLTU), namely Fly Ash and Bottom Ash or FABA to become useful products, one of which is Tetrapod.

"This is our commitment at PLN to help keep the coast of Pantura safe from the threat of abrasion and tidal flooding. For this reason, PLN processes FABA as building material such as tetrapod which can be used as a wave breaker," said Darmawan.

Tetrapod is a sea wave damping structure made of concrete. In this case, the concrete used is made from FABA produced from PLTU Tanjung Jati B and PLTU Rembang. He explained that for the produced tetrapod products there are two types, namely 100 kg and one ton weight.

PLN ensures that this use is also safe and will not pollute the environment, because the quality is in accordance with national standards. For FABA products from PLTU Tanjung Jati B, the Laboratory of Construction Materials from Sultan Agung University (Undip) and FABA products from PLTU Rembang have passed laboratory tests from Diponegoro University (Undip).

"The composition of tetrapod materials that we have created is patented and in accordance with national quality standards. This is also proof that PLN can process the remaining from the operation of its power plant into useful materials for the community," added Darmawan.

In addition, Darmawan said he would continue to encourage the wider use of FABA to become the catalyst for the economy of the coastal community of Pantura, especially around the PLTU. This is in line with the principles of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) carried out by PLN.

"PLN is open to people who want to participate in utilizing this FABA. We want all PLN generators to become the epicenter of environmental, social and community welfare improvement," concluded Darmawan.

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