
The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) confirmed that tax revenues grew more than 40 percent year on year (yoy) to IDR 280 trillion in February 2023.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that this result made taxes the dominant role in state revenue, which until last month was recorded at IDR 419.6 trillion.

"The excellent tax revenue performance in the first two months of 2023 was influenced by the still high commodity prices and improving economic activity," he said when delivering the realization of the APBN quoted on Wednesday, March 15.

Menurut Menkeu, selain dua faktor utama tersebut, moncernya kinerja kantor pajak negara tidak lepas dari implementasi Undang-Undang Harmonasi Peraturan Perpajakan (HPP) yang sudah beroperasi penuh pada tahun ini.

"In the future, tax revenues will be colored with vigilance in line with the downward trend in commodity prices and the normalization of revenue bases," he added.

In detail, the Minister of Finance explained that until the end of February 2023, the realization of customs and excise revenues had slowed down but on-track, due to the decline in import duties, however, import duties still showed positive performance.

He said customs and excise revenues reached IDR 53.27 trillion. Then, import duties grew 15.6 percent year on year (yoy), driven by extra effort in January, an increase in US dollar exchange rate compared to last year, and vehicle entry duties.

Furthermore, the acceptance of stagnant excise tax is influenced by tariff policies, the effect of the excise payment of tobacco products produced in December 2022, and the effectiveness of supervision.

Meanwhile, the performance of outgoing duties has decreased due to the price of CPO which has been moderated and the volume of mineral commodity exports has decreased.

"The tax revenue performance of Rp280 trillion has reached 16.3 percent of this year's APBN target of Rp1,718 trillion," he concluded.

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