
JAKARTA - The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI) decided to reshuffle the company's board of directors and commissioners.

In the AGMS, shareholders decided to appoint talents from Bank Mandiri's environment, namely Eka Fitria as Director of Treasury & International Banking, replacing Panji Irawan, whose term of office had expired. Previously, Eka Fitria served as SVP International Banking & Financial Institutions Bank Mandiri.

Meanwhile, in the board of commissioners, shareholders agreed to appoint former Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali and former member of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority Heru Kristiyana as Independent Commissioner replacing Boedi Armanto.

According to Mandiri's President Director, Darmawan Junaidi, the appointment decision was taken by shareholders after going through careful consideration and based on their qualifications and experience.

"We believe that this decision will make all levels of directors and commissioners more solid to ensure that Bank Mandiri can continue to grow and develop and make a positive contribution to the national economic recovery. In the future, of course, we are committed to continuing to maintain integrity and increase added value for all stakeholders," Darmawan said at a press conference, Tuesday, March 14.

With the shareholder's decision, the composition of the company's commissioners becomes:

President Commissioner/Independent: M. Chatib Basri

Deputy President Commissioner/Independent: Andrinof A. Chaniago

Independent Commissioner: Loeke Larasati Agoestina

Independent Commissioner: Muliadi Rahardja

Independent Commissioner: Zainudin Amali*

Independent Commissioner: Heru Kristiyana*

Commissioner: Rionald Silaban

Commissioner: Nawal Nely

Commissioner: Faried Utomo

Commissioner: Arif Budimanta

Commissioner: Muhammad Yusuf Ateh

The composition of the company's directors is as follows:

President Director: Darmawan Junaidi

Deputy President Director: Alexandra Askandar

Risk Management Director: Ahmad Siddik Badruddin

Compliance & HR Director: Agus Dwi Handaya

Commercial Banking Director: Riduan

Network & Retail Banking Director: Aquarius Rudianto

Director of Operation: Toni EB Subari

Director of Corporate Banking: Susana Indah Kris Indriati

Director of Institutional Relations: Rohan Hafas

Director of Finance & Strategy: Sigit Prastowo

Director of Information Technology: Timothy Utama

Director of Treasury & International Banking: Eka Fitria*

*effective after obtaining approval from the Financial Services Authority for the Assessment of Ability and Compliance Tests and complying with applicable laws and regulations.

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