
JAKARTA PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) has a fertilizer production capacity of 13.9 million tons.

Meanwhile, the production target installed this year is 12.3 million tons, both subsidies and non-subsidized.

SVP Secretary of the Indonesian Fertilizer Company, Wijaya Laksana said the production capacity of Pupuk Indonesia was 13.9 million tons.

In detail, urea production is 8.8 million tons, NPK is 3.8 million tons, and others are around 1.3 million tons.

"This production capacity has supported the availability of domestic subsidized fertilizers," he said at the Ministry of SOEs, Jakarta, Monday, March 13.

Wijaya said the allocation of subsidized fertilizers set at 7.8 million tons in 2023.

With details of urea fertilizers of 4.6 million tons and NPK of 3.2 million tons.

"With a production capacity of 8.8 million tons, our production capacity to meet the need for subsidized urea is more than sufficient. Likewise with Pupuk NPK, where our production capability is 3.5 million tons, with the need for subsidized NPK of 3.2 million tons," he said.

As of March 11, 2023, Pupuk Indonesia has distributed subsidized fertilizers of 1.50 million tons from January to March 11, 2023. This amount is equivalent to 67 percent of the allocation until March 2023 of 2.23 million tons.

The total allocation of subsidized fertilizers set by the government in 2023 is 7.85 million tons. In detail, Urea fertilizer is 4.64 million tons and NPK is 3.21 million tons.

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022, the Government focuses fertilizer subsidies on two types, namely Urea and NPK.

"We have distributed subsidized fertilizers in accordance with Permentan Number 10 of 2022, which has been distributed 1.50 million tons, the details of Urea are 885,675 tons and NPK is 614,106 tons," he explained.

Stock Of Subsidized Fertilizer

Meanwhile, in terms of stock, Wijaya said, Pupuk Indonesia has prepared a subsidized fertilizer stock of 649,374 tons at the Line III Warehouse or district level.

The amount of stock is equivalent to 190 percent or double the minimum stock stipulated by the Government, which is 341,556 tons. As for the details, Urea's stock is 368,014 tons and NPK is 281,360 tons," he said.

The stock of subsidized fertilizers, said Wijaya, is only distributed to farmers who are entitled to the criteria of Permentan Number 10 of 2022, for farmers who do not meet the criteria, they cannot obtain subsidized fertilizers.

The requirement to get subsidized fertilizer is to be joined in farmer groups, registered in SIMLUHTAN (Agricultural Extension Management Information System), working on a maximum land of two hectares.

Subsidized fertilizers are currently focused on nine types of strategic commodities, namely rice, corn, soybeans, chilies, shallots, garlic, coffee, sugar cane, and cocoa, from what was previously intended for around 72 commodities," he said.

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