
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed the construction of the Kali Ori Raw Water Supply System (SPAB) infrastructure in Prigi, Sigaluh Village, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java Province.

Kali Ori's SPAB support will increase clean water supply services by 8,000 house connections (SR) managed by the Banjarnegara Regency PDAM.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the availability of clean water is believed to be able to improve public health and economic growth.

"So the availability of clean water and good sanitation is basic to public health and economic growth," Minister Basuki said as quoted on Sunday, March 12.

Technically, this raw water supply system will utilize water sources from Kali Ori which are channeled through a 6.6 km pipeline network with a capacity of 100 liters per second.

Pembangunan SPAB Kali Ori sesuai dengan SPMK (perintah perintah mulai kerja) dimulai pada 20 April 2022 dan telah selesai pada 31 Desember 2022 dengan kontraktor pelaksana PT Harry Graha Karya. Pembiayaan infrastruktur ini bersumber dari APBN senilai Rp.15,3 miliar.

"With the SPAB Kali Ori, hopefully it can be useful and useful for the community, so that the basic needs of raw water can be met," said Head of BBWS Serayu Opak Dwi Purwantoro.

In addition to SPAB Kali Ori, the Ministry of PUPR through BBWS Serayu Opak, the Directorate General of Water Resources has also completed the construction of the Umbul Jumprit raw water infrastructure in Temanggung Regency.

SPAB Umbul Jumprit is designed by utilizing Umbul Jumprit springs to be channeled through a 18 km transmission pipeline to meet the raw water needs of 26,800 people in 4 villages, Candiroto District and 6 villages in Ngadirejo District.

The construction of raw water infrastructure for Umbul Jumprit was carried out by CV Jaya Abadi from April 1, 2022, to December 26, 2022, with a budget allocation of IDR 10.5 billion sourced from the 2022 State Budget.

This raw water supply infrastructure is located at the Umbul Jumprit tourist attraction with a service capacity of 50 liters per second, only 32 liters per second are fulfilled.

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