
JAKARTA - Singapore's Foreign Minister Vivian Baskrishnan opens up opportunities for continuous cooperation with the Makassar City Government, in terms of a green economy, tourism, digitalization and education.

Vivian conveyed that through her press release received on Saturday, Singapore wanted to explore opportunities that were mutually beneficial to take advantage of Indonesia's potential as an economic force.

"In this case, we deepen collaboration in various fields such as green economy and digital, tourism, education and agribusiness, which are not only carried out with Jakarta but also in other areas," said Foreign Minister Vivian in her remarks on the last day of the 2nd Rising Fellowship Program, at the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Singapore, quoted from Antara, Saturday 11 March.

Therefore, the Mayor of Makassar Moh Ramdhan Pomanto as one of the participants from Makassar City also had this positive opportunity. He also emphasized that several other things related to Indonesia-Singapore's good relations.

According to him, the current global environmental conditions are not doing well and are increasingly volatile, it is impossible for a country to work alone, so collaboration is needed.

"Therefore, countries, especially Indonesia and Singapore, must work together to face modern challenges such as pandemics, climate change, inflation, food and energy crises, both bilaterally and among Asean member countries," he said.

For this reason, the conditions of bilateral relations between Indonesia and Singapore must continue to be strengthened. Including family relations between the two countries by continuing the student or labor exchange program.

He hopes that from this program the participants can learn more, develop networking, and exchange ideas to support the country more strongly than before. As well as increasing Indonesia-Singapore bilateral relations to a higher level.

Foreign Minister Vivian and the participants exchanged information regarding efforts to recover after the COVID-19 pandemic as well as opportunities for cooperation between Singapore and the program's district city.

At the end of the event, a certificate was distributed which was handed over directly by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore Vivian Baskrishnan to the participants, witnessed by the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Singapore.

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