
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) collaborates with three electric motor manufacturers; Volta, Selis and GESITS to accelerate the penetration of electric vehicles to the community. Through this collaboration, people who want to buy electric motorbikes can directly make purchases through the marketplace features available at PLN Mobile.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained that this collaboration was carried out by PLN and electric vehicle manufacturers to support government policies that would provide assistance in purchasing electric motorbikes for the community. Through this collaboration, purchases with the help of the government will be directly connected to PLN Mobile.

"This government policy will certainly accelerate the growth of the electric vehicle ecosystem. The number of electric motorcycles will increase. For this reason, today we gather with partners, wanting to convey that we are ready to support and implement the government's decision to provide assistance for the purchase of electric vehicles," said Darmawan.

Since the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program, PLN has carried out transformations and innovations to make it easier for electric vehicle users.

PLN collaborates to build a Public Electric Vehicle Battery Exchange Station (SPBKLU) to make it easier for electric motor users and independently build a Public Electric Charging Station (SPLU).

We realize that we cannot do it alone, we are open to collaborating. We have built an SPBKLU collaboration. We built together energy charging facilities at each point. We invite various parties to participate in building SPBKLU in minimarkets in crowded centers and so on," said Darmawan.

PLN has also built Electric Vehicle Digital Services (EVDS). This EVDS is a digital one stop service platform for the electric vehicle ecosystem. People are given convenience because they can see the location of the electric motor battery exchange.

"Through EVDS, the public can also enjoy the marketplace feature, where all needs related to electric motors are offered by various partners," said Darmawan.

President Director of PT WIKA Industri Manufacturing (WIMA) Bernardi Djumiril ensured his support for the acceleration program of electric vehicles by continuing to innovate in producing electric motors. Bernardi also ensured that GESITS will continue to increase the components of supporting electric motors by using domestic production components.

"GESITS will continue to innovate as of course the work of the nation's children, with TKDN elements we are already above 40 percent and we will continue to improve for mechanical and electrical components," said Bernardi.

CEO of Volta Indonesia Iwan Suryaputra expressed his gratitude for the incentives for electric vehicles provided by the government.

Volta fully supports us to jointly succeed in the adoption of electric motors in the community. What's more, there is enormous support from PLN for us, both from the existence of SPBKLU and the sale of our motorbikes through PLN Mobile. At PLN Mobile itself we have put more than 25 types of products, which will be improved in the future. After owning the motorbike, users can certainly make exchanges at the SPBKLU owned by PLN. We also thank Himbara, who has already provided credit for the purchase of the Volta electric motorcycle. So the buyer of the Volta motorbike has enjoyed a very easy credit for the ownership of an electric motor.," he said.

Operational Director of Selis Wilson Teoh ensured his support for the Government's program in accelerating the use of electric vehicles in Indonesia. Selis will prepare electric vehicles in accordance with the provisions of the Government containing 40 percent TKDN.

"Selim memang sangat fokus terhadap pengembangan dan juga produksi lokal untuk kendaraan listrik, maka itu kita juga sudah mendapatkan TKDN yang cukup tinggi," ujarnya.

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