
JAKARTA - PT Surveyor Indonesia in collaboration with Kitong Bisa Foundation in handling malnutrition problems in Papua through the Food Security Program in three Kitong Bisa Learning Centers (KBLC).

The activities carried out are in the form of strengthening the learning process related to food security in Indonesia and improving nutrition through the provision of additional food, providing planting media to three Centers for Learning/KBLC, and measuring the growth and development of children.

Director of Finance and Risk Management, Rosmanidar Zulkifli, said the program was simultaneously implemented at the Timika KBLC, Sorong KBLC, and Yapen KBLC.

"Food security programs are the best intervention in Papua. Hopefully they will be useful for overcoming malnutrition," he said, in a written statement, Thursday, March 9.

This program involves 12 teaching staff and hundreds of students from three KBLC, external parties from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, as well as nutrition counselors.

KBLC students generally turn 6-14 years old. They participated in a series of activities, including: the practice of planting seeds at KBLC, providing food to learning residents with the concept of Piringku content from the Ministry of Health, education related to child nutrition, and weighting practices for children at KBLC.

"It is hoped that this activity can increase the understanding of teaching staff at the learning center regarding food security and nutrition students, children's growth and development," said Rosmanidar.

Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia for Innovation, Education, and Development of the Outermost Regions, Billy Mambrasar, appreciates PT Surveyor Indonesia for caring for the food security sector which is currently having global issues.

"We appreciate all parties for their involvement in this activity. PT Surveyor Indonesia has clearly built Eastern Indonesia. KBF also continues to be the official partner for the development of Bappenas," he said.

Billy continued, his party also appreciated PT Surveyor Indonesia for encouraging city partnerships in achieving the SDGs target by cooperating with KBF as one of the leading NGOs in Indonesia.

Food security issues are a fundamental issue in increasing the Human Development Index (HDI) in a province, with one of the HDI indicators being health. Without food security, especially for school-age children, various problems such as stunting and malnutrition arise that hinder the education process," he said.

Therefore, his party is grateful for PT Surveyor Indonesia's concern in dealing with food security issues and hopes that cooperation will continue as KBF grows and expands its reach area.

The KBF and PT Surveyor Indonesia Partnerships are expected to continue to be expanded in order to create a wider impact and participate in developing the country. Thank you PT Surveyor Indonesia," he added.

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