
The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) said it had formed three special teams to handle the case of tax person Rafael Alun Trisambodo alias RAT.

Inspector General (Irjen) of the Ministry of Finance Awan Nurmawan Nuh said the move was intended to explore wealth reports including unreported assets and alleged fraud.

"Itjen Kemenkeu telah membentuk tiga tim pemeriksaan yaitu, pertama tim elaminasi laporan kekayaan. Kedua, tim penelusuran kekayaan yang belum dilaporkan, serta yang ketiga adalah tim investigasi dugaan fraud," ujarnya kepada wartawan dikutip Kamis, 9 Maret.

According to Awan, regarding the follow-up to the High Risk Profile of LHKPN at the Ministry of Finance, Itjen was given the authority to arrange reports, verification, clarification and examination of reported wealth reports. He said this was done for all reports of assets of Ministry of Finance employees.

"Itjen sejak tahun 2012 telah melakukan verifikasi yang tidak hanya meliputi aspek formal untuk memastikan kepatuhan dan kelengkapan berkas dalam pemberaran harta kekayaan, namun juga melihat aspek material untuk menilai kewenangan kekayaan yang dikaitkan dengan profil pegawai," tuturnya.

Awan explained, from the results of asset verification and other prevention instruments, it will produce data to determine the risk profile of employees categorized as high, moderate and low risk.

"Against employees with high risk profiles, Itjen took further steps in the form of clarification to investigative audits," he said.

Awan added that the Director General of Taxes (DGT) has issued Tax Inspection Orders (SP2) against six companies and one tax consultant suspected of being linked to the RAT.

"The issuance of SP2 is the result of the development of LHKPN clarification carried out by the KPK," he added.

Meanwhile, RAT itself has been declared fired as ASN and is currently completing the administrative process at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Finance.

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