
JAKARTA - Consultant Knight Frank Indonesia revealed that the Bekasi area still dominates industrial land absorption with the most data centers and chemical industries becoming the most active sector.

"The largest land absorption of 42 percent is still dominated by the Bekasi area with data centers and chemicals (chemicals) as the sector that most actively absorbs industrial land in the second half of 2022," said Senior Research Advisor Knight Frank Indonesia Syarifah Syaukat or disapa Sari in an online discussion, in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday 9 March.

Sari said, according to the Jakarta Property Highlight, the total stock of industrial estates throughout 2022 has increased slightly from the expansion in the eastern corridor with a total absorption of land ranging from 207 hectares.

Knight Frank Global said that the trend of investment in 2023 will be colored by a prospective industrial sector. At the regional level, Knight Frank Asia Pacific publication predicts that the growth in warehousing rental prices or warehouses will stabilize this year.

For Indonesia itself, based on the latest Jakarta Property Highlight report, the position of growth in warehousing prices in Jabodetabek is also recorded to be equivalent to the average growth in Asia Pacific, of 2.5 percent.

Furthermore, it was also noted that the total absorption of industrial land sold in Jabodetabek in the second half of 2022 was not as good as the previous semester. However, the industrial sector is still considered prospective considering the positive trend in the number of land sold and price stability, there has even been an increase in several submarkets.

"In general, the total performance of land absorption sold by the industrial sector in Jabodetabek in the second half of 2022 is not as good as the first semester, but overall performance is still good. This sector is the best performer among other sub-sectors in a period full of challenges and uncertainties in recent years. The closing of 2022 is marked by total land sales of 67.4 percent which reflects optimism," said Sari.

Country Head Knight Frank Indonesia Willson Kalip said that the annual performance of the industrial sector in 2022 will be closed with relatively good and quite strong numbers.

"This is inseparable from the stimulation sent by the leading sector, including data centers, chemicals, electronics, autodrives, and fast moving consumer good (FMCG) which continue to grow and develop with domestic market fundamentals," said Wilson.

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