
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) supports the Indonesian Shopping Center Retailers and Tenants Association (Hippindo) which signed a collaboration with JDMAS Logistics Holding Sdn Bhd to develop national retail products in Malaysia.

Director of Export Development for Services and Creative Products of the Ministry of Trade, Miftah Farid, said working with Malaysia was the right thing. According to him, ASEAN is currently the strongest area for economic growth.

"ASEAN is the epicenter of the current global economic growth, therefore, Hippindo's collaboration with Malaysia is very appropriate," Miftah said at a press conference for Indonesia Brands Go Global in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, March 8.

The signing of the cooperation led by the General Chairperson of Hippindo Budihardjo Iduansjah and CEO of Dato Bruce Lim was witnessed directly by Miftah as representatives of the Ministry of Trade in Sarinah, Jakarta, today.

Miftah said that this collaboration must be utilized as well as possible by Hippindo to bring Indonesian products to Malaysia. This collaboration is a follow-up to the collaboration between Hippindo and the Ministry of Trade to focus on marketing Indonesian retail products in the Asean market.

"We have the program with Hippindo with Malaysia and other Asean countries, Vietnam, the Philippines. With members of more than 500 (hyppindo members), there is a lot of potential in Asean countries, the brands are also not arbitrary and proven in the Indonesian market," said Miftah.

Chairman of Hippindo Budihardjo Iduansjah said that the service and retail sectors have an important role to play in helping the Indonesian government in bringing products and bringing in foreign exchange.

Budihardjo said that currently Hippindo is focused on collaborating with Malaysia because it already has many trading partners. One of the things that has grown enough in Malaysia is the famous Kopi Kenangan.

"We MoU with JDMas. We know that Kopi Kenangan is now in Indonesia and is very successful, it also has products in the form of cans. We will try to ask JDMas for help to enter the online and offline markets in Malaysia. Eiger is also one of Indonesia's strong brands and will be assisted to be brought to Malaysia," said Budihardjo.

Budihardjo said at least 10 brands would be brought to Malaysia, including the Promise of Soul and Ice Teler 77. However, these names are still under investigation to see their suit with the audience in Malaysia.

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