
YOGYAKARTA - For those of you who have a fund account at the bank, you are certainly familiar with the word 'transfer account', but do you understand what account mutation is? What is the collateral for customers who carry out account transfer checks in a routine way? This time we want to regulate the discussion of what account mutations are, the function and method of checking account mutations that you can do.

Account transfer is a history of bank account transaction history which shows the flow of funds that enter and leave the account. The transaction note will be information for you regarding transactions that enter and leave your account.

Account mutation is one of the features or services provided by banks for customers. Thus, every customer who has an account can run an account mutation to pay attention to the transaction history in his account.

Account Mutation Use

Account mutations are not just records or transaction history, running account transfer checks regularly will have some of the uses for each customer as follows:

Anticipate Steps For Suspicious Transactions

Checking account mutations regularly can also help you anticipate suspicious transactions. From the account mutation data, you will receive information on the flow of funds that enter your account and exit your account because the data contains the origin account and destination account for the flow of funds.

Visa Application Requirements

Another benefit of account mutation data is that it is one of the requirements for making visas. If you travel abroad often, account mutations can help you receive visa submission approval.

Controlling Finance

Running account transfer checks regularly will help you identify your latest financial situation. With this kind of thing, you can control and regulate the flow of funds that enter and leave your account according to your latest financial situation so that the flow of money becomes better.

Requirements for Application for Loans

Not only helping to control finances, account mutations can also be created as a requirement for applying for bank loans such as mortgages (Home Ownership Credit) and KTA (Non-Augnan Credit). Account mutation data will be made referrals for banks to process loans, whether your loan is acceptable or rejected.

How To Check Account Mutation

After knowing what the account mutation is, you also need to know how the account mutation check system is. There are some methods that you can choose to check account mutations.

Check Account Mutation Via Mobile Banking

The first and easiest account mutation check method is through mobile banking. With this method, you just need to download the mobile banking application and log into your account to run account mutation checks.

So after knowing what account mutations are, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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