
Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita revealed that the distribution scheme of IDR 7 million for the purchase of electric motorcycles will begin to be marketed in the middle of this month.

According to the Minister of Industry, the provision of assistance will be immediately disbursed to producers so that the selling value of these vehicles will be cheaper when sold to the public.

"Produsen mengajukan produknya sesuai dengan ketentuan, yaitu telah memenuhi aturan Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TDKN) sebesar 40 persen," ujarnya ketika menjawab pertanyaan wartawan di Jakarta pada Senin, 6 Maret.

The Minister of Industry said that only three manufacturers had issued 40 percent of products with TKDN, namely Gesit, Volta, and Selis.

"Then they registered with us the type of vehicle. Then, the verification agency will check and collect data," he said.

Furthermore, the information will be brought to the Himbara bank (State-Owned Bank Association) as the institution that will channel government aid funds to producers.

Meanwhile, prospective buyers will first check the data to the system to ensure that the consumer is indeed a group of people who are entitled to subsidized electric motorbikes.

"Meanwhile, from the consumer side, they must come to the dealer with the willingness to be checked for a population identification number (NIK) if they want to buy. If after checking is registered, they will immediately get a discount," he said.

Dealer then inputs into the system to file a claim to Himbara. If it has been verified by Himbara, then the funds will be transferred to the producer (the dealer)," continued Pergiin.

On this occasion, the Minister of Industry also said that the public only had one opportunity to buy vehicles that received subsidies because they had to be based on one NIK.

"If someone buys it and then sells it, and buys it again, then (it can't be because) we have prepared the system and we believe this system is very ready," he said.

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