
JAKARTA Pertamina held a social and psychological recovery activity or trauma healing for refugees who were victims of the Pertamina Plumpang Depot fire, North Jakarta. Mainly activities for children at the evacuation post.

One of Pertamina Peduli Prihatiningsih volunteers said this activity was very important to relieve trauma and sadness for children.

"We played together, sang together, of course so that the children can be happy and relaxed after the incident that occurred last Friday night," he said as reported by the official website on Sunday, March 5.

According to Prihatiningsih, the program being run can also help refugees from a psychological perspective.

"They should have sufficient time and time to play so that their growth and development is not disturbed. We hope that this simple assistance can reduce or even eliminate the adverse effects on children's psyche," he said.

Prihatiningsih added, as a volunteer he was ready to prepare if needed in a crisis situation to support the recovery of the victims.

"We are here to help the victims, we are ready at all times if needed in a disaster crisis," he said.

In the future, during the process of providing assistance and recovery after the incident, Pertamina volunteers are scheduled to continue to actively participate in every activity carried out by the company.

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