
JAKARTA - Three state-owned companies, namely Pertamina, MIND ID, and PLN, were ordered to immediately form a business risk team. This is a follow-up to the Pertamina Plumpang Depot fire, Koja, North Jakarta, Friday, March 3.

The formation of the business risk team was an order from SOE Minister Erick Thohir. The team is considered important considering that a number of BUMN assets are vital national objects.

"I have asked and contacted all SOEs such as MIND ID, Pertamina, PLN must form a business risk team, not only in finance but also in overall operations because there are national vital objects," said Erick, as in

He will also review and see if there will be improvements in the medium term after the formation of a business risk team.

"I will study, I have asked for an investigation and surely we will see if there are improvements for the medium term," he said.

Previously, Erick would rearrange all vital objects managed by SOEs, be it Pertamina, PLN, and Pupuk Indonesia in order to have clear and safe boundaries for the community.

Erick said that rearranging of national vital object boundaries with settlements is a must so that the incident of the Plumpang Fuel Terminal does not happen again.

Restructuring of national vital objects must be carried out appropriately so as not to cause negative impacts on the surrounding community.

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