
JAKARTA - Bank Mega is again holding the Undian Meriah Bareng Mega 2023 Program which is a continuation of the previous program.

This program will last for 7 months starting from March 1 to September 30, 2023, which is intended for individual customers who have Mega funds or Mega Maxi savings.

Director of Consumer Banking Bank Mega, Diza Larentie is targeting this year's event to raise third party funds (DPK) of up to IDR 1 trillion.

"Last year's program successfully raised funds of up to Rp800 billion. This time we see a high enthusiasm, we are targeting Rp1 trillion," Diza said at a press conference at the Mega Bank Tower, Friday, March 3.

Diza continued, his party is also targeting an increase in CASA composition from last year's achievement of 26 percent to 30 percent.

"We want to increase the composition of CASA last 26-27 percent, this year at least at the level of 30 percent. So we believe we can increase existing enthusiasts to increase the number of savings and transactions," continued Diza.

In terms of increasing the number of customers, Diza believes this program can increase the number of customers to 140,000 customers within 7 months.

"Yesterday's festive program was able to acquire up to 12,000 customers in a month. For this time I can't reach 20,000. We want 140,000 in 7 months," explained Diza.

Diza added that the total prize offered was very tempting, namely a total of 359 tour packages consisting of 357 Asian & European tour packages and 2 Grand Prize winners who received prizes around the world and were given the freedom to choose destinations, in accordance with the provisions of the draw.

Every month Bank Mega will draw 50 winners of the Asian country's destination tour package and 1 winner of the European country's destination tour package.

At the end of the program, Bank Mega will surprise the prize of 2 grand prize winners to travel the world free to choose destinations.

The following is a lottery prize in the form of a tour package given for 7 periods:

Period 1: tour package to Thailand for 50 winners and 1 tour package to Italy

Period 2: tour package to Hong Kong for 50 winners and 1 tour package to Switzerland

Period 3: tour package to Turkey for 50 winners and 1 tour package to Spain

Period 4: tour package to Vietnam for 50 winners and 1 tour package to Austria

Period 5: tour package to Korea for 50 winners and 1 tour package to the Netherlands

Period 6: tour package to Taiwan for 50 winners and 1 tour package to America

In the 7th period marking the end of the Meriah Bareng Mega lottery program, the prizes given were 50 tour packages to Shanghai and 1 tour package to France and drawn by 2 grand prize winners around the world free to choose destinations.

Diza further added that this program also educates the public to encourage people to get used to saving, because it provides useful value for today and the future.

In addition to providing lottery prizes, the Meriah Bareng Mega Program also ensures that Mega Dana and Mega Maxi savings customers will get point rewards in the form of MPC points that can be used to shop on retail business units under the auspices of CT Corp.

Another advantage that is obtained is that customers will get attractive discounts if they shop using debit cards on the CT Corp retail network, including the Metro Department Store, Transmart to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.

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