
JAKARTA A number of anti-corruption activists, such as Imam Prasodjo, Alissa Wahid, Erry Riyana and other senior figures are known to visit the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) on Thursday night.

An internal source at the Ministry of Finance stated that the presence of several figures fulfilled the invitation to a discussion initiated by the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani regarding the issue involving the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) and the Directorate General of Customs (DJBC).

Imam Prasodjo revealed that the Minister of Finance conveyed about the problems being faced and asked for input for further improvements.

"The Minister of Finance told about the current disaster. Then I said that this is the right moment to make changes," he said as quoted on Friday, March 3.

Imam then offered various concepts of handling and prevention that could be applied at the Ministry of Finance.

"Hopefully it can be applied comprehensively not only in the Ministry of Finance, but also in other ministries," he said.

Earlier on Wednesday evening Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara confirmed that Rafael Alun Rafael Trisambodo alias RAT's resignation from the status of the state civil apparatus (ASN) was rejected.

This is because the examination process for the person concerned has been running regarding the alleged ownership of jumbo assets for someone with the status of a civil servant.

Not only that, the Head of the Yogyakarta Customs Office, Eko Darmanto, is also waiting for his letter of removal due to the issue of showing off assets on social media which has the potential to reduce the image of agencies in the eyes of the public.

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