
Yogyakarta - Passive Income by making money work for us is not difficult. There are many ways to make you a person who can relax by making a circulation of money. There are many ways to earn money and don't have to keep working to get it. Just look at Warren Buffett, he is one of the people who is known to be good at making money. Money has worked for him, then what about us? Of course VOI has made a summary of this as quoted from various trusted sources.

Prior to the way for money to work for us, VOI has summarized tips from Warren Buffett, among them:

After Warren Buffett's tips you can understand, then here's how money works for us:

Allocate Special Funds (emergency funds): Before starting the investment, it is better to prepare emergency funds first. Emergency funds are useful for dealing with emergencies such as job loss or accidents that require large costs. It is better to allocate about 3-6 months of your expenses for emergency funds.

Choose The Right Investment Instrument: Once you have emergency funds, you can start investing. Choose investment instruments that match your goals and risk profiles. Gold, property, stocks, mutual funds, and bonds are several investment instruments that can be considered.

Do Diversification: Don't put all investment funds into just one instrument, it's best to diversify or divide funds into several different investment instruments to reduce risk.

Provide funds for alms: Although alms does not include investment, it is better to set aside some funds for alms because that way we will continue to support others.

Smarti sorting out investment instruments: Although investment instruments have a good selling value in the future, like stocks, they must be good at sorting and analyzing these instruments in order to choose the right instrument and produce optimal returns.

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