
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) of the Jakarta-Semarang semi-fast train project is still in the study stage or feasibility study (FS).

"The Jakarta-Semarang train is still in the study stage, yes. We are still reviewing it all," said Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation Djarot Tri Wardhono to reporters in the Cawang area, East Jakarta, Thursday, March 2.

Later, the project will be included in the Jakarta-Surabaya semi-fast train plan.

"This semi-fast train will start from Jakarta and will likely be part of the Jakarta-Surabaya semi-fast train," he said.

Djarot said the study stage is ongoing and is targeted to be completed next year. "(The study stage) is scheduled for the 2024 period," he explained.

According to Djarot, the Ministry of Transportation is currently still conducting a thorough study of the semi-fast train. "For the time being, the study is still like that (the semi-fast train)," he added.

Previously, the Jakarta-Surabaya semi-fast train project was one of the discussions when the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi made a working visit to Japan, at that time. The concept of the Jakarta-Surabaya Semi-Fast Train has also been discussed.

Budi explained that currently the Ministry of Transportation is finalizing the concept and will be continued by conducting a study or feasibility study (FS).

"Feasibility study means we will carefully measure the conditions of the field and how the tracking will be carried out," Budi said in a virtual press conference, quoted Thursday, June 23.

For your information, if the project can run smoothly, it is estimated that Jakarta-Surabaya can be reached in less than 6 hours. This is a hope that can provide an alternative for the community to use this mode of transportation.

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