
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani encourages ministries/agencies that manage state assets to be able to continue to optimize their resources so that they can benefit the community as well as become an instrument to increase commercial value.

According to the Minister of Finance, he found indications that there would be neglect of state assets if they did not receive certain financial support from the government. In fact, some of these assets are located in locations that are quite strategic and have the potential to generate profits.

There are even those in the midst of crowds or cities. But the Public Service Agency (asset management) feels that it does not have the support of the APBN or the injection (fund) from the ministry that oversees it and then just let it go. Even though if you think about it, it is a strategic location and can provide extraordinary value," he said in Jakarta on Thursday, March 2.

The Minister of Finance explained that the condition of the'sleeping' asset would certainly not provide financial benefits for the state. In fact, the existence of this asset can cause a burden in terms of maintenance costs that must be met.

"Well, the existence of the Public Service Agency (BLU) has an important role to play in attracting investment and conducting business cooperation so that it can mobilize capital. If the governance is good, there must be many investors who want to work together. Even for BLUs that are not good, many investors are targeted, this seems to be possible (optimizing their assets), "he said. For information, currently there are 264 BLUs in the ministry/institution. Meanwhile, several examples of BLUs are state universities managed by the Ministry of Education, and Bhayangkara Hospital managed by the Police.

In terms of performance, last year's BLU managed to achieve revenue of IDR 89.5 trillion or 113 percent of the target set as activities in a number of locations recovered.

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