
JAKARTA - Pertamina again raised the price of non-subsidized fuel oil (BBM) Pertamax to Rp13,300 per liter.

Quoted from Pertamina's official website, the general fuel oil (BBM) price adjustment is in order to implement the Ministerial Decree (Kepmen) of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 as a change to Kepmen No. 62 K/12/MEM/2020 concerning the Basic Price Formula in Calculation of Retail Selling Prices for Types of General Gasoline and Solar Oil Fuel Types which are channeled through Public Fuel Filling Stations.

Pertamina Patra Niaga Corporate Secretary, Irto Ginting, revealed that Pertamina's reason for adjusting prices was considering the price of crude oil to the rupiah exchange rate.

"Pertamina's fuel prices consider various aspects including crude oil, the publication of MOPS (Means of Platts Singapore) and exchange rates," said Irto to VOI, Wednesday, March 1.

Irto continued, this adjustment refers to the average MOPS for the period from January 25, 2023 to February 24, 2023. Through this reference, it is determined that price increases are different in each province.

He added that this new price applies to provinces with a motor vehicle fuel tax (PBBKB) of 5 percent, such as in the DKI Jakarta area.

Despite the isolation of fuel prices, Irto ensured that fuel prices in Pertamina were still cheaper than other private gas stations.

"Pertamina's product prices are still the most competitive compared to other companies and these prices have met the upper limit provisions for the March 2023 period set for each type of fuel," concluded Irto.

It is known, Pertamina increased the price of Pertamax from Rp12,800 to Rp13,300 per liter for the DKI Jakarta area.

Pertamina also raised the price of Pertamax Turbo, which was previously priced at Rp. 14,800 per liter to Rp. 15,100 per liter.

Meanwhile, the price of Dexlite fuel was observed to have decreased from Rp. 16,150 per liter to Rp. 14,950 per liter.

Meanwhile, Pertamina Dex was also observed to have decreased from Rp. 16,850 to Rp. 15,850.

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