
YOGYAKARTA - Eko Darmanto, Head of the Yogyakarta Customs Office, was also questioned by the Ministry of Finance for often showing off a luxurious lifestyle. Eko Darmanto added a long list of government officials who were in hedon style. There are a number of facts about the hedon style of Yogyakarta Customs officials.

Eko Darmanto often shows luxury through his Instagram social media account @eko_darmanto_bc. Eko's hedon action was caught by netizens and then became a hot topic of conversation. Through the deleted IG account, Eko often posts content of himself driving motorbikes to boarding private planes.

Sri Mulyani, through the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance, responded quickly by directly conducting an investigation into Eko Darmanto. The development of the examination will be conveyed by Awan Nurmawan, Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance.

The following are a number of facts related to Eko Darmanto's hedon style, Head of the Yogyakarta Customs Office, which went viral.

The beginning of Eko Darmanto went viral and became a public spotlight starting from social media Twitter. The name of the Yogyakarta Customs official surfaced after one of the Twitter accounts uploaded a screenshot of the Instagram account @eko_darmanto_bc.

The Twitter user mentioned Eko Darmanto's lifestyle, who often shows off luxury. However, Eko Darmanto's Instagram account has disappeared somewhere. The following is the writing in the Twitter user upload.

"After the viral RAT case, many Ministry of Finance employees like styles have started to clean up their social media status.

From the uniform, it looks like it's a customs employee.

"It looks like the Ministry of Finance's IBI will be very busy in the next few weeks, mas @prastow."

In a screenshot shared on Twitter, Eko Darmanto's IG account contains the content of himself taking pictures with various luxury items. There is a photo of Eko showing off his moge, antique car, and a Cessna plane.

Eko Darmanto's assets and assets amounted to tens of billions. Based on data from the State Administrators Wealth Report (LKHPN) for the 2021 period. Information on Eko's wealth was reported to the KPK on February 15, 2022.

Eko has a wealth of Rp. 15.7 billion. In addition, he has a debt of Rp. 9 billion. Eko's own net worth reaches Rp. 6.72 billion. Eko admitted that he owns land and buildings covering an area of 240 m2/410 m2 in Malang which comes from a grant without a deed. In addition, he also owns a building area of 327 m2/342 m2 in North Jakarta which is obtained from his own results. The amount of wealth from this source reaches IDR 12.5 billion.

Media crews have not been able to ask for confirmation from Eko Darmanto. While trying to be met at the Jogja Customs office, Eko Darmanto was not in the office and was going to Jakarta.

Meanwhile, Cahya Nugraha, Head of the BK-Humas Section of the Central Java Customs and Excise Regional Office, DIY, did not want to talk much about the viral photos and tweets about Eko Darmanto's hedon style.

Shortly after Eko Darmanto went viral with his hedon style, the Ministry of Finance immediately conducted an examination. The Ministry of Finance held a press conference regarding the progress of the investigation into Eko Darmanto today, Wednesday, March 1.

The development of the examination of Eko Darmanto will be conveyed by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance in the National Hall of Dana Rakca, Radius Prawiro Building, Central Jakarta. The Ministry of Finance also invited media crews to cover the press conference.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai fakta hedon pejabat Bea Cukai Yogyakarta. Eko Darmanto sudah menjabat sebagai Kepala Bea Cukai Yogyakarta selama hampir 2 tahun.

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