
YOGYAKARTA - Untuk bisa melaksanakan pembayaran dengan kartu prakerja di mulai dengan pilih program pelatihan yang anda mau. Anda bisa pilih program pelatihan melalui situs atau melalui Aplikasi yang bisa diunduh melalui PlayStore. Lalu bagaimana cara beli pelatihan prakerja?

If you have chosen programs or training that you wish to follow, you will be able to use the Pre-Employment Card to buy it together following the steps below:

If you choose programs or training that you can participate in on other platform partners, you can use a Pre-Employment Card to buy it and get a voucher code that you can move to other partner platforms together by following the steps below:

Pay attention to the following things:

So after knowing how to buy pre-employment training, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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