
Secretary General of the National Energy Council (DEN) Djoko Siswanto said the government continues to encourage the national energy security program.

Several programs that will be accelerated include reducing imports of liquefied petroleum gas (elpiji) and crude oil while at the same time encouraging the use of electric stoves for the upper middle class (electrifying lifestyle) and also switching from fuel vehicles to electric vehicles.

"Currently, the safest electricity conditions are indeed. Therefore, the government encourages shifting from this imported energy to electricity. Such as encouraging the upper middle class to use electric stoves and encouraging people to switch to electric vehicles," said Djoko to the media quoted on Saturday, February 25.

With the transition of electric stoves, Djoko said, the reliability of PLN's domestic electricity will now be maximized. The dependence on LPG imports can also be suppressed.

"Indeed, in terms of resilience, electricity is safe. But we have not entered the energy security stage, because we still have imported commodities, crude oil, LPG and gasoline," said Djoko.

On a different occasion, PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo emphasized that PLN electricity is very ready to meet the needs of all sectors, both households, businesses, and industry.

"We realize that electricity is the heart of the movement of the national economy, for that we are committed to being ready to meet electricity needs for all customers," said Darmawan.

PLN's Executive Vice President for Strategic Planning, Iwan Utama, emphasized that PLN is also ready to meet the needs of people who want to run an electrifying lifestyle.

"Our power plant is quite large, so we believe we can meet the needs of increasing electricity demand," explained Iwan.

Iwan believes that electricity demand in Indonesia will continue to increase after the Covid-19 pandemic. Along with the improving economic growth, he believes the electricity supply from the PLN plant will soon be fully absorbed by the public.

In addition, in order to increase electricity demand, PLN will continue its strategy in 2022 to increase electricity sales, namely through extensification and intensification strategies carried out by the company.

The intensification strategy includes an additional power marketing program for existing customers. Meanwhile, the extensification strategy includes the creation of new electricity demand, such as the acquisition program for captive power, electrifying agriculture, and electrifying marine as well as the development of Special Economic Zones (KEK) and Industrial Estates.

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