
Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Wamenparekraf) Angela Tanoesoedibjo responded to the holding of various events that had been held in Indonesia.

According to him, improving the event ecosystem in Indonesia needs to be accompanied by collaborative steps with all stakeholders, so that it can present quality events.

This is because the impacts given from the event are felt by the community, both economically and in job creation.

For example, the MotoGP which was held in Mandalika some time ago. From one event it can produce added value to the economy above IDR 4.5 trillion.

There is also an F12HO event that will be held in Lake Toba, North Sumatra. The event is known to encourage infrastructure development and public awareness to improve the skin from their business in order to welcome the presence of tourists participating in F1H20.

Therefore, a number of improvements to the ecosystem for organizing events need to be worked on, especially in terms of digital or electronic-based licensing. Digital licensing is expected to provide convenience for industry players, so that they are more transparent and accountable.

"Sebuah komitmen dari kami, juga arahan dari Presiden Joko Widodo bahwa kami harus mengamplikasikan digitalisasi perizinan event ke depan. Sehingga, kawan-kawan penyelenggara juga memiliki kepastian kedepannya ketika mereka merencanakan suatu event. Sebab, merencanakan event butuh waktu," ujar Angela lewat keterangan resminya, Kamis, 23 Februari.

In addition to licensing, Wamenparekraf Angela also hopes that the standard for organizing events will be more organized in the future. This is because revenue from Indonesian music events is still below Singapore, especially Australia. In fact, Indonesia's population is greater than the two countries.

"How do we have standardization in terms of quality, security, where all event actors are not only in big cities, but also in regions, they must have the same standards," he said.

"And I entrust you to make inclusive standards, so that we are able to encourage growth in organizing events, especially in various regions," he continued.

Based on data submitted by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the revenue of music events from online tickets to Indonesia has only reached 43 million US dollars. Meanwhile, Singapore won 63 million US dollars and Australia amounted to 535 million US dollars.

"This figure is an encouragement and motivation for relevant stakeholders to be able to present better standards for organizing events in the future," concluded Angela.

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