
JAKARTA - PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. or BNI as a state-owned bank proactively encourages the creation of a clean environment from narcotics by cooperating with the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN RI).

In addition to creating a more productive work environment to jump higher, BNI hopes to become a pilot as a government-owned bank that is productive as well as free from narcotics abuse.

The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Prevention and Eradication, Abuse and Dark Circulation of Narcotics, and Precursors of Narcotics.

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was carried out by the President Director of BNI, Royke Tumilaar, with the Head of the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency, Komjen Pol. Dr. Petrus Reinhard Golose.

Royke revealed that this collaboration is one of BNI's commitments to preventing and eradicating the Abuse of Narcotics Circulation.

We hope to carry out early detection, education, and advocacy measures about the dangers of narcotics abuse in BNI and surrounding communities.

"Of course, as a state-owned bank that upholds the value of AKHLAK, proactive efforts in fighting narcotics abuse are one of our responsibilities. We thank BNN RI for continuing to guide BNI to become a pilot bank," he said, in a written statement, Wednesday, February 22.

Meanwhile, the event was continued with the signing of PKS on the Provision and Utilization of Banking Services by BNI Institutional Banking Director Sis Apik Wijayanto with the Main Secretary of BNN RI, Brigadier General Pol. Tantan Sulistyana SH SIK MM.

BNI also continues to be committed to providing superior and innovative services by carrying out the digital banking concept in order to meet the needs of financial transactions within the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia.

"We will proactively provide the most suitable solutions for BNN RI, among others, through the Cash Management System (CMS), the Use of Virtual Accounts, Government Credit Card Facilities, Without Loans, as well as other banking products and services," concluded Royke.

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