
The Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) reported that the confiscated assets and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) reached an estimated IDR 28.3 trillion or equivalent to 39 million square meters of land.

BLBI Task Force Director Mahfud MD said the state collects debtors/obligors, blocking/confiscation/selling collateral and/or other assets belonging to debtors/obligors, blocking business entities, and preventing travel abroad to debtors/obligors.

"Similarly related to property assets, physical control and juridical security efforts are made as well as sales for the restoration of state rights," he said in a written statement on Tuesday, February 21.

According to Mahfud, physical control activities have been carried out several times in the period July 2022 to February 2023 with a total asset that has been successfully controlled covering an area of 13.3 million square meters.

Mafud explained, based on Government Regulation Number 28 of 2022 concerning Management of State Receivables by PUPN, it enriches collection efforts, including by taking civil action and/or terminating public services, in the context of completing State Receivables, including by conducting banking blacklists.

Then, restrictions related to legal entity data and changes, restrictions on obtaining financing from state-owned banks, blocking assets, and freezing shares.

"The restrictions are carried out in collaboration with Ministries/Institutions that are the executors of authority," he said.

Mahfud added that regarding the handling by the BLBI Task Force, there were several lawsuits of debtors/obligors through the State Administrative Court, where the lawsuit was an administrative action that did not eliminate the amount of debtor/obligor obligations/accurrence.

"The BLBI Task Force will continue to make ongoing legal efforts and other efforts, in order to ensure the return of state collection rights. Legal efforts and other efforts by the BLBI Task Force are carried out in stages and measurably," he concluded.

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