
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that in the midst of a turbulent period in the past few years, inflationary turmoil has occurred in many countries of the world.

According to him, several countries (such as Turkey and Argentina) have even experienced an increase in inflation beyond normal limits: 50 percent!

The question is, what about Indonesia?

The state treasurer brings good news. Indonesia's inflation throughout 2022 tends to be maintained at the level of 5.51 percent.

"This is lower than the government's forecast of 6.5 percent after the adjustment of fuel prices," he said in a written statement, Tuesday, February 21.

The Minister of Finance explained that for the 2023 period, the inflation rate is targeted to be sloping to 3.6 percent. Meanwhile, the volatile food inflation gap is targeted to fall in the range of 3-5 percent.

In addition, national holidays remain a concern (mainly Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr) because at this time there is a very high demand spike.

"Fiscal support through the APBN is also maintained. It was recorded that Rp. 104.2 trillion was channeled through various ministries/agencies to maintain food security," he said.

The Minister of Finance added that the government will seek to accelerate the implementation of food barns, expand cooperation between regions, and manage food availability data to maintain the availability of supplies for the community.

Not stopping there, the former boss of the World Bank also stated that the APBN is always ready to support the fulfillment of social protection, subsidy budget and energy compensation, as well as infrastructure.

"All of these allocations are to support efforts to control inflation," he stressed.

Therefore, Sri Mulyani encourages all parties to always strengthen synergies in maintaining inflation in order to strengthen the national economy.

"These are all harmonizations of cooperation between the Ministry of Finance and various institutions and coordination of all other stakeholders in efforts to deal with inflation in Indonesia will continue to be carried out. How do you think?" he concluded.

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