
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) stated that there was a slowdown in Indonesia's fishery exports. Especially, to major trade destination countries.

Marketing Director of the Directorate General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products (PDSPKP) KKP Erwin Dwiyana said this slowdown was influenced by conditions of global recession that weakened the demand for major trading partner countries.

Based on the data held, Erwin said, throughout 2022, the country that became the main market for Indonesia's exports was the United States (US) worth US$2.32 billion (37.12 percent). Then, there was China worth US$1.12 billion (18.02 percent), Japan reached US$742.93 million (11.91 percent), Asean US$729.37 million (11.69 percent), and the European Union worth US$377.65 million (6.05 percent).

Although export gains from the five countries are very large, Erwin stated, shrimp exports in the US have decreased.

"Meanwhile, in China, the opposite is the largest contribution, namely shrimp and seaweed. The European Union has also experienced the highest increase driven by exports of squid, cuttlefish, seaweed, and octopuses. Then, Japan also rose for shrimp and tuna exports," Erwin said at the Bincang Bahari event. Maritime and Fisheries Sector Maps in the Middle of the Recession Threat monitored online, Tuesday, February 21.

Seeing the downward trend in fishery exports to several main destination countries, Erwin assessed that Indonesia needs to look at domestic market opportunities and diversify export destination countries.

In the domestic market, Erwin continued, the absorption of fish products for consumption in 2021 is 12.66 million tons and will increase to 13.11 million tons in 2022.

"We should look at the domestic market, it seems that capture fisheries and capture fisheries products still contribute greatly to aquaculture. The largest absorption of fish products in the country is still dominated on the island of Java because the population is concentrated there," he said.

Erwin assessed that his party had looked at other countries besides the main fish export market, such as Australia, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia, which would be pursued for pilgrims.

"Hopefully later in April we will be able to export to Saudi Arabia for pilgrims," he said.

To seek the opening of export markets to several countries, Erwin ensured that the supply chain and quality guarantees of fishery products to be exported could be fulfilled.

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