
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) presents a 2023 free motorbike homecoming program. This program is to reduce the accident rate during homecoming.

Director of Traffic and Rail Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Djarot Tri Wardhono said this year's motion program is different from the previous year. This year, said Djarot, DJKA will combine a series of passenger trains with freight trains.

That way, said Djarot, passengers and goods can go home together with a series of trains this year.

"So 4 passenger trains are combined with 3 freight trains carrying a motorbike. This is what distinguishes the previous motis from the motis this year," he said at the Ngobras event, at the Transportation Ministry, Jakarta, Monday, February 20.

Djarot said that travelers carrying motorbikes can buy tickets at a price of Rp. 10,000 to Rp. 20,000 per person. Meanwhile, the motorbike is free of charge.

Meanwhile, previously, said Djarot, ticket rates were charged according to the applicable passenger train rates. Later, said Djarot, travelers with one motorbike can also buy two train tickets.

The free motorbike homecoming will be carried out from April 11 to April 20 or for 10 days. Meanwhile, motorcyclists take place from April 25 to May 4, 2023.

"We charge a fairly cheap tariff. Up to 330 km to pay only Rp. 10,000 (per person) was previously charged (the tariff) according to train transportation. The rest is subject to Rp. 20,000 (per person)," he said.

In more detail, the tariff for transporting the northern lane of the material, namely Cilegon-Pasar Senen-Semarang Tawang, for 0-330 km, costs Rp. 10,000, more than that, it is charged Rp. 20,000 per person.

The central lane's Lebaran Motis, namely Pasar Senen-Purwosari 0-480 km, is charged a tariff of IDR 10,000, more than 480 km is charged IDR 20,000 per person.

Sementara motis Lebaran jalur selatan yakni Kiaracondong-Purwosari 0-280 km dikenakan tariff Rp10,000 per orang, sedangkan lebih dari 280 km dikenakan Rp20,000 per orang.

With this cheaper tariff, Djarot hopes that people's enthusiasm for participating in this year's motis program will be high.

"We hope that the people who will transport their motorbikes will work even more together because the tiketnta is cheaper," he said.

The requirements to participate in the 2023 Lebaran Motis program are KTP, SIM, Family Card (KK), STNK, the amount of the motorbike is below 200 CC, registration on the website which is followed by verification at the designated station. Motor registration (free) is facilitated by 2 train tickets (while there is still a quota)

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