
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) motivates the younger generation to become leaders who provide benefits in bringing progress to Indonesia 2045.

Director of Non-Tax State Revenue, Natural Resources and State Wealth Separated Directorate General of Budget of the Ministry of Finance Rahayu Puspasari said, currently 60-70 percent of Indonesia's population are young people, so the strength of the younger generation is relatively large to influence the progress of the nation.

"What you can imagine, you can make it happen. So, the leader in 2045, who will become president, minister, famous businessman, or famous influencer, will be one of you," Rahayu said, quoting Antara, Saturday, February 18.

For this reason, he invites young people to be part of the solution in overcoming the nation's problems, bringing benefits while realizing their goals, and influencing others to do good.

In the era of digitalization and the current massive flow of information, the younger generation must also have a critical attitude in filtering and responding to various information that appears.

"We are overwhelmed (flooded) with various information, so we choose and then act, critical but not cynical (critical, not cynical)," she said.

In addition, the younger generation plays an important role in supervising the running of government and state policies so that they can provide constructive input for the government to jointly realize the progress and prosperity of the Indonesian people.

"We want you to be people who are alert and know the most about the state budget and then monitor it in a critical, not cynical way, to be the part that will guard Indonesia in the right way," she said.

Furthermore, Rahayu invited the younger generation to build collaboration in expanding the benefits and goodness for many people and advancing Indonesia.

"Young people collaborate, compete but in goodness," she said.

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