
JAKARTA - The Director General of Oil and Gas (Migas) Tutuka Ariadji, revealed that the use of natural gas as a transition energy during the energy transition period needs to be accompanied by strengthening the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) culture.

The energy transition period, continued Tutuka, is a critical period for Indonesia, considering that the transition is a transition from fossil fuels to fuels that are green, friendly to the environment, and sustainable. Moreover, natural gas will play an important role in the energy transition period.

"Natural gas was chosen more dominantly as capital to take off towards renewable energy," he explained to the media, Wednesday 15 February.

Tutuka explained, the reason for choosing natural gas in the energy transition was because natural gas in Indonesia has very abundant sources and is spread throughout the archipelago.

"We have a lot of gas sources, and they are spread all over Indonesia. From the west, north of Sumatra Island to the easternmost in Papua, the class is also not a small class," he added.

Therefore, the oil and gas OSH culture in the future will change to become even riskier, because the management of natural gas is far different from the management of petroleum.

"Occupational Health and Safety is clearly stricter, more thorough, and more detailed, because gas management requires high-pressure handling," said Tutuka.

Meanwhile, Director of Oil and Gas Engineering and Environment Mirza Mahendra Mahendra said that the National K3 Month was commemorated on 12 January - 12 February 2023 by holding a series of activities aimed at increasing appreciation and concern for all those engaged in the oil and gas sector for the application of a good OHS culture in professional and personal life.

According to Mirza, K3 culture does not only belong to Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS), Upstream or Downstream Oil and Gas Business Entities, but the responsibility of all elements involved in the oil and gas world, including the big family of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas.

"The series of events that have been held include the Directorate General of Oil and Gas Walk Through, Emergency Drill, Knowledge Sharing on the use of APAR in daily life, KOPI SENJA Talkshow with the theme 'Healthy Eating for a Great Life', K3 Month Video Contest, and Weight Loss Contest. body," he concluded.

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