
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir spoke about evaluating the costs of Hajj transportation by Garuda Indonesia. He said, his party would encourage the suppression of Hajj costs as much as possible.

"In essence, we must encourage the Ministry of SOEs as long as we can help people go on pilgrimages," he told reporters, written Tuesday, February 14.

However, Erick also mentioned the legal umbrella that wrote that there should be no assignment to Garuda Indonesia which caused losses.

"BUMN helps, we are open, but the context is B to B. Don't be blamed if there is anything else. Don't let Garuda, which has just been restructured, have another assignment, now it hurts again. That's the context, so all this time B to B," he said.

According to Erick, the cost of Hajj can be reduced one way by reducing fuel costs or aircraft avturs.

Erick said that the avtur fee could be given compensation.

"The price of the avtur can also be assisted by compensation, for example, for example, whether from the SKK Migas portion there is a tax, I forgot. That reduces the price of the avtur but this is just a thought again," he said.

Previously, DPR Commission VI member Andre Rosiade asked to immediately recalculate the costs of Hajj transportation offered by Garuda Indonesia.

This proposal was conveyed by Andre Rosiade in a working meeting of Commission VI of the DPR with BUMN Minister Erick Thohir, Monday, February 13.

The request, said Andre, was in response to the Gerindra Party's party's discourse on increasing the components of the 2023 hajj costs that must be borne by pilgrims.

"As a member of Commission VI from the Gerindra faction, because this is an instruction from our faction chairman to convey to the Minister various Garuda guidances to recalculate, re-evaluate and review the costs of Hajj transportation offered by Garuda. To ease the pilgrimage," said Andre.

"For Muslims who are 70 percent difficult, who save for rupiah for decades, can go for Hajj," he continued.

According to Garuda's calculation, the Hajj costs are IDR 33 million per person

PT Garuda Indonesia (Perseo) Tbk revealed the estimated cost of paying for aircraft flight services to the Holy Land.

After all components are calculated, the total reaches IDR 33 million per person.

Garuda Indonesia's Director of Services and Commerce, Ade R Susardi, said the costs included the cost of airline services, plus the cost of airport building charges and passenger charges (PSC).

Including, continued Ade, a margin of 2.5 percent of the total flight costs. However, this figure still refers to the previous year.

"So we calculate direct and direct costs of around Rp. 31,431,353 plus airport bullying service and PSC charge of around Rp. 1,191,253. The total is around Rp. 32,622,606. Then the margin is around 2.5 percent, so it is around Rp. 33,438,171," he said in a working meeting with the DPR's Hajj Fee Committee, Thursday, February 9.

Ade said, the Ministry of Religion provides airline opportunities to get a maximum margin of 3 percent.

However, Ade emphasized, the amount of this cost is only limited to estimating Garuda's calculations.

"Once again, this price is still not confirmed. Because we have assumptions, so the determination of the margin from the Ministry of Religion is determined to be a maximum of 3 percent of the total flight costs," he explained.

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